Service Description
Description The Base Flight is a scenario created to let the Trainee performs Touch and Go’s accompanied by the Instructor, in order to improve/recover his/her skills and proficiency. Gives the trainee the opportunity to experience the aircraft behavior in basic manoeuvers such as landing, flare, derotation, etc.. 1- Cockpit Preparation 2- Engine Start 3- Taxi 4- Take Off – Extended Downwind 5- Visual Approach (ILS Supported if available) 6- Touch & Go (At least 3) 7- The trainee shall complete 1 circuit in manual thrust 8- Go around all engines (At least 3) 9- Full Stop Landing / Full Reversers (At least 1) Objectives and Standard Criteria to meet - The primary objective is to practice approach and landing maneuvers. - Become acquainted with the a320 visual pattern procedures. - Become proficient with different approach configurations, weather conditions (X-wind) and no automation (FD/ATHR). Training Program Duration: 5 Hours 1 Hour – Self Study 45 min – Briefing (Live Session) 2:30 Hours – Flight Live Session 45 min - Debriefing LESSON 1 Description Gives the trainee the opportunity to experience the aircraft behavior in basic manoeuvers such as landing, flare, derotation, etc.. Objectives By the end of the lesson the Trainee will be familiar with: TAXI - NORMAL – 90 DEG ONTO RWY TAXI - 180 ON RWY TAXI - 180 BACK TRACK TAKE-OFF VISUAL CIRCUIT - ILS ASSISTED - TOUCH AND GO VISUAL CIRCUIT - NON ILS ASSISTED - TOUCH AND GO LOW LEVEL GO AROUND DUE TO BLOCKED RWY LANDING IN CONFIG 3

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